KHIA ID: 5331
Industry: Power (POWR)
Application: GSS-Gaskets, Seals and Shims (GSS)
Substrate: Concrete, Tar and Ceramic
Customer Location: Montana, USA
Application Date: 1986

Belzona 3111 (Flexible Membrane)

Belzona 3911 (PSC Surface Conditioner)

Belzona 3921 (GSC Surface Conditioner)

Belzona 9311 (Reinforcing Sheet)

Problem: The bases of the insulators had been sealed and re-sealed many times but it never lasted long, thus water would begin to leak through the base. The switch gear below carries 100,000 volts of electricity which would not react well if the water hit the wrong spot.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Arrow shows damaged area
  2. Applying Belzona 3911 
  3. Brushing on reinforced Belzona 3111
  4. Brushing on reinforced Belzona 3111
Application Situation
100,000 volt insulators.
Application Method
Loose tar was removed. Belzona 3911 was brushed on the concrete and Belzona 3921 was brushed on the insulator. Two coats of Belzona 3111 were brushed on, incorporating reinforcing sheet in the first coat. The application was carried out in accordance with a modified version of Belzona Know-How System Leaflet GSS-3.
Belzona Facts
The alternative was more tar. They already knew that it was only a short term solution. The solution with Belzona 3111 will prevent water penetration for many years.