KHIA ID: 4669
Industry: Mining & Quarrying (MINQ)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Rubber
Customer Location: Quarry in Croatia
Application Date: April, 2013.

Belzona 2211 (MP Hi-Build Elastomer)

Problem: There was a large crack in a tyre, but it was not leaking and the steel reinforcement was still in good shape. Customer needed to keep the loader in operation.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Damaged tyre on wheel loader
  2. Application in progress
  3. Application finished
  4. Site revisited after 3 months, the tyre is still in perfect shape
Application Situation
The loader works in a  remotely located quarry. It is used on two shifts per day. The customer needed quick in-situ repair.
Application Method
Application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet SHM-9.
Belzona Facts
The two alternatives were either to replace the tyre or to dismantle it and transport it to the nearest workshop. Belzona repair was carried out during the weekend and costumer didn't lose any production time. The Belzona repair prevented further deteioration of the tyre and was performing well when expected three months later.