Belzona 1212 Stops a Live Leak in a Cooling Tower Pan

KHIA ID: 6411
Industry: ()
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Galvanized steel
Customer Location: Manufacturing Facility, Tennessee, USA
Application Date: October 2016

Belzona 1212

Belzona 9611

Problem: Several live leaks in a cooling tower pan were leaking water at a rate of several gallons per hour.  The Customer needed a way to stop the leaks without shutting the tower down and interrupting their manufacturing process.  
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Leak with evidence of previous repair attempts visible.
  2. Stemming the leak with Belzona 9611.
  3. Plate pressed into place with Belzona 1212 and a hydraulic jack.
  4. Cold bonded repair complete with a final bolt in place.
Application Situation
Leaking cooling tower for process water in a manufactring facility. 
Application Method
Teh application was carried out in accordance with a modified version of Belzona Know-How System Leaflet TCC-1. A plate was had been fabricated with a hole in the middle to allow water to run out and a 1/2" nut was inserted into the plate using Belzona 1212. The repair area was prepared using hand tools and a mechanical grinder and the leak was partially stemmed using Belzona 9611. The prepared area and the plate were then wet out with enough Belzona 1212 to create a good bond and the plate was pressed into place and held using a hydraulic jack. Water was allowed to run through the hole in the nut while the plate cured in place for approximately 60 minutes.  The jack and support bar were then removed.  A small amout of Belzona 1212 was added to the threads of a 1/2" bolt and it was screwed into place to stop the leak and finalize the repair. 
Belzona Facts
The customer had been unable to stop the leak themselves and a contractor had made a previous attempt that failed. The Belzona solution cost a fraction of the previous repair, but offered a long-term durability. The customer was so pleased with the results that they are considering having an immersion grade Belzona coating applied during their next scheduled shutdown.