KHIA ID: 7526
Industry: ()
Application: MPT-Mechanical Power Transmission (MPT)
Substrate: Metal
Customer Location: Washington, USA
Application Date: August 2017

Belzona 1321 (Ceramic S-Metal)

Belzona 9411 (Release Agent) 

Problem: Failed bearing grooved the shaft so that the machine would not run. Shaft holds approximately 25000 pounds. Customer had replaced a shaft on similar machine and it took 3 weeks of round the clock maintenance teams to get it back up and running. The Belzona solution could be done in a day and save them potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Photograph Descriptions

1. Damaged shaft.

2. Preparing the repair area with a bristle blaster.

3. Former injected with Belzona 1321.

4. Completed repair.

Application Situation
Bearing failure had caused significant damage to the main drive shaft on carton forming machine. Replacing shaft would take up to 21 days of round-the-clock work.
Application Method
The shaft repair was carried out in accordance with Belzona System Leaflet MPT-2. A custom former had been made at a machine shop. Belzona 9411 was used to make sure that Belzona 1321 would not stick to the former. Belzona 1321 was injected into the former and allowed to cure.
Belzona Facts
This application saved the customer approximately $200,000 in production losses not to mention the labor cost of trying to replace the shaft.