Belzona repair and coating internal surface of rotor can of preheat unit and repair shaft of cooker unit

KHIA ID: 7709
Industry: Food & Drink (FOOD)
Application: MPT-Mechanical Power Transmission (MPT)
Substrate: Carbon Steel
Customer Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Application Date: 27 February 2017

Belzona 1391S

Belzona 1111 (Super Metal)

Problem: The damage area cause by erosion and corrosion
Photograph Descriptions

1. The rotor damage area cause by erosion and corrosion

2. Damage shaft surface at cooker unit

3. Application complete with Belzona 1391S for rotor

4. Application complete with Belzona 1111 for shaft

Application Situation
Repair and coating internal surface of rotor can of preheat unit and repair shaft of cooker unit.
Application Method
Working details for rotor can:
1. Carbon steel surface will be prepare by copper slug to give a minimum depth at 75 microns and surface cleanliness by Sa 2.5
2. Clean and brush away any loose contaminate, cleaning with vacuum cleaner machine then cleaning the surface with MEK.
3. Apply two coats system of Belzona 1391S Ceramic HT at dry film thickness 500 microns.
Working details for shaft:
1. Surface preparation with hand grinding machine.
2. Repair corrode area with Belzona 1111 Supermetal.
Belzona Facts
Belzona 1391S can operate at high temperature under immersed conditions ,  rapid spray application results in reduced downtime , excellent chemical resistance against a wide range of chemicals , excellent corrosion protection