Internal Repair and Protection of a Split Case Pump with Belzona 1341

KHIA ID: 7819
Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: CEP-Centrifugal Pumps (CEP)
Substrate: Cast iron
Customer Location: France
Application Date: June 2014

Belzona 1111 (Super Metal)

Belzona 1341 (Supermetalglide)

Problem: The internal surface of this splitting-case pump was badly damaged by corrosion and needed to be rebuilt and protected.
Photograph Descriptions

Before the application

Showing the damage on the internal part of the pump

First coat of Belzona 1341 in grey

Second coat of Belzona 1341 in blue

Application Situation
Internal surface of a splitting-case pump.
Application Method
The substrate was first grit blasted and cleaned with acetone. Then the displacement nose was rebuilt using Belzona 1111. Finally, the whole internal surface was protected with 2 coats of Belzona 1341. The application was carried out in accordance with Belzona system leaflet CEP-3.
Belzona Facts
The advantage of the syste is that a possible wear of the coating would be easily identified thanks to the 2 different colours used (grey and blue). Besides, the smoothness of the coating can also increase the pump efficiency.