Belzona Elastomer Solution Filters Out the Competition

KHIA ID: 7853
Industry: Power (POWR)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Steel
Customer Location: Qatar
Application Date: January 2015 - Ongoing

Belzona 1331

Problem: The rubber lining for a 15-year-old limestone filter was suffering from severe disbondment and failure. In fact, it was unable to sustain the operation of filtering water on a daily basis due to aggressive erosion.
Photograph Descriptions

Limestone filters at the Power Plant.

Alternative rubber lining disbonded during a trial phase. 

Alternative protective coating blistered during a trial phase.

Belzona 1331 - No traces of failure after 8-month trial period. 

Application Situation
15-year-old limestone filter at a power plant. 
Application Method
The client chose to compare three systems simultaneously, over an eight-month period, to assess their performance. The systems selected were: 1. bonding of a rubber lining; 2. using a competitor ceramic coating; 3. using Belzona 1331. The existing rubber lining was removed back to a bare metal substrate before water washing the substrate and blasting to SA 2.5 cleanliness. Subsequently, three coats were applied at 500 microns in accordance with a modified verison of Belzona Know-How System Leaflet TCC-3.
Belzona Facts
The Power Plant’s temporary measure was to repair damaged sections with rubber sheeting until a suitable alternative was found. To ensure the asset remained in service for the foreseeable future, they invited local Contractors to propose solutions. At the end of the trial phase Belzona 1331 passed with no traces of failure.  And, as a result, Belzona was awarded the initial job as well as 12 further applications. This was originally prospected in January 2015, with work commencing several months later. Fast forward four years and Belzona 1331 is used to protect all the LSFs and MSFs throughout the site and this application has been adopted by a number of other Power Plants in the region.