Belzona helps in the Restoration of an Irrigation Pipeline

KHIA ID: 8049
Industry: Fluid Flow (FLOW)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Carbon Steel
Customer Location: Italy
Application Date: May 2019

Belzona 1121 (Super XL-Metal)

Belzona 1982 (SuperWrap 2)

Belzona 9381 

Belzona 5821 

Problem: The internal walls of the pipeline were suffering from serve corrosion and wear over time. Outright replacement of the pipe wasn't an option as the pipeline was burried 10 meters below ground and embedded within a conctete structure.   
Photograph Descriptions
  1. View after sandblasting 
  2. Applciation of Belzona 1121 
  3. Application of Belzona 1982/9381
  4. Application of Belzona 5821
Application Situation
Restoring an old irrigation pipline within a pumping station. 
Application Method
This applciation was carried out in accordance with system leaflet TCC-05. The internal walls of the pipeline were sandblasted and then any pitted areas were filled in with Belzona 1121. A Belzona SW2 system was then fabriacted to create a "pipe within a pipe" to restore the existing pipeline. Finally 2 coats of Belzona 5821 was applied over the SW2 system to provide corrosion and erosion resistance. 
Belzona Facts
The Belzona solution avoided a costly and complex replacement of the system and allowed the pipeline to be put back in service within a few days. Now the plant will be able to cater to the needs of the farmers and avoid lentgthy downtime in the future.