Belzona Repairs Leaking Tank Roof

KHIA ID: 8101
Industry: Oil & Gas (OILG)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Steel
Customer Location: Italy
Application Date: 2019

Belzona 1161 (Super UW-Metal)

Belzona 3111 (Flexible Membrane)

Belzona 9311

Problem: A tank roof has failed and started corroding at the weld seams. This was allowing water to seep in through these holes causing contamination problems for the solution within the tank.
Photograph Descriptions

1. Overview of the tank roof

2. Water ingress at the weld seams

3. Belzona 1161 being applied

4. Finished application with Belzona 3111

Application Situation
Sealing holes on the roof of an oil tank.
Application Method
This application was carried out in accordance with system leaflet TCC-02. Areas where the tank roof was leaking from were identified and taped out. Once taped out the surface was prepared using an MBX bristle blaster. Belzona 1161 was then used to fill in the leaks before Belzona 3111 was applied on top with a cut out strip of Belzona 9311 reinforcement sheet for added protection.
Belzona Facts
Previous welding had introduced heat activated zones into the tank roof resulting in weakness and corrosion at the weld seams. Welding the tank again would have created the same problems and that's why the Belzona cold applied solution was used.