Belzona Seals Silo Flange

KHIA ID: 8141
Industry: Power (POWR)
Application: GSS-Gaskets, Seals and Shims (GSS)
Substrate: Mild Steel
Customer Location: Power Plant, Liverpool, UK
Application Date: November 2019

Belzona 2911 (Elastomer QD Conditioner)

Belzona 2211 (MP Hi-Build Elastomer)

Problem: Mastic joint sealants are not bonded to the inside of the joint. As a result, when they shrink the sealant falls out, leaving a void for water and pollutant penetration into the dry powder.
Photograph Descriptions

1. Silo showing the suspect flange joint

2. Leaking flange joint

3. Rope access contractor applying Belzona materials

4. Completed application on powder silo

Application Situation
Dry powder silo had mastic sealant between flange joints which hardened and shrunk. This resulted in the mastic falling out leaving exposed gaps. The silo is tall and difficult to reach so using a specialist rope access contractor was the best option.
Application Method
The joint was cleaned out using a grinder making sure the joint upper and lower faces were rough. The flange face where the Belzona Elastomer was to be bonded was also manually prepared, cleaned and degreased prior to the application of Belzona 2911. Belzona 2211 was then applied to seal the flange face against moisture ingress. This application was completed in accordance with a modified version of Belzona System Leaflet GSS-11.
Belzona Facts
Rope access was the only way to safely prepare the substrate with hand tools and apply the Belzona materials into the flange voids and over the flange face.