Belzona Repairs Light Gauge Conveyor Belt

KHIA ID: 8147
Industry: Transport (TRAN)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Rubber
Customer Location: Large parcel distribution depot - Hinckley
Application Date: March 2019

Belzona 2311 (SR Elastomer)

Belzona 2911 (Elastomer QD Conditioner)

Problem: The large distribution center operate around 300 belts for conveying stock, mainly in plastic tote boxes. The boxes can approach 200Kg and fall through chutes hitting the moving belts. The belts are suffering damage and, at present, the client have no way of repairing the belts, forcing exchange at a cost of around £3,000 per belt.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Repair scenario (Power tool shown for scale)
  2. Patch cut from spare belt 
  3. Masked area and repair being completed using 2311 
  4. Full repair completed. Repair time around 40 minutes
Application Situation
There were two types of belt, one was a thin rubber with a matted reinforced base, the other, a three ply with a central rubber core and two adjacent “felt” type surfaces.
Application Method
Application was carried out in accordance with a modified version of Belzona System Leaflet SHM-1. Following successful trial applications, the Belzona solution that was selected involved the cutting out of the damaged area. A patch was then created using a spare piece of conveyor belt. The new piece of belt was then bonded in place using Belzona 2311 (SR Elastomer).
Belzona Facts
Whilst we are extremely experienced in repairing the larger, heavy duty belts, the ones used in a distribution center, such as this, were much lighter and of a design we had never repaired previously. Each Belzona repair cost in the region of £50 and can be completed under an hour. A saving of over £10,000 in capital spending on belt replacements has been seen by the client and, because of the return to service time, many thousands of pounds in avoided downtime and lost performance. This particular application has been in service for six months and is still performing to the clients expectations.