Belzona protects new seawater filters for desalination

KHIA ID: 8484
Industry: Water / Wastewater (WATR)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Carbon Steel
Customer Location: Egypt
Application Date: October 2020

Belzona 5821

Problem: Due to the corrosive nature of seawater and erosion caused by suspended solids, a protective coating is necessary to mitigate potential damage to the steel shell and internal fixtures of the media filters.
Photograph Descriptions

1. View of the filters from the outside

2. Internal surface after surface preparation

3. Internal surface after first coat

4. Completed application

Application Situation
As part of the construction of a new Reverse Osmosis Desalination plant, 14 large media filters have been manufactured and are in need of internal protection.
Application Method
The coating was applied in accordance with a modified version of Belzona System Leaflet TCC-5, and in accordance with the Belzona 5821 IFU. The substrate was prepared using grit blasting to achieve the required surface cleanliness and profile. A two coat system of Belzona 5821 was then applied by airless spray.
Belzona Facts
The use of a protective coating in tangent with a carbon steel structure was a significantly lower cost than the alternative option of using a high grade corrosion resistant steel. Belzona 5821 was selected due to having excellent corrosion and erosion resistant properties, whilst also being suitable for spray application, saving time during application. The solvent free properties of the Belzona coating offered a safety advantage for application within the confined space of the filters. The project was carried out in phases, with over 5000 litres of Belzona 5821 being applied to 14 filters over two 2-month periods.