Accurate alignment of machinery

KHIA ID: 9422
Industry: Pulp & Paper (PLPR)
Application: GSS-Gaskets, Seals and Shims (GSS)
Substrate: Concrete
Customer Location: Vranov
Application Date: October 2016
Products: Belzona 5811 (Immersion Grade)

Problem: Stability of the device after its installation in operation.

A device that needed to be stabilized.

Height adjustment of all surfaces.

The application of Belzona 5811 .

The application of Belzona 5811 .

Application Situation
The customer needed to stabilize the device quickly and cheaply.
Application Method
The application of Belzona 5811 composite was carried out using pressurized injection cartridges. This allowing a quick application and return to service.
Belzona Facts
Undercoating with Belzona 5811 was faster and cheaper than using construction mortars.