Anchor Handling Tug in need of critical piping repair

KHIA ID: 9744
Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: VPF-Valves, Pipes and Fittings (VPF)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Angola offshore
Application Date: January 2025
Products: Belzona 1212,Belzona 9611 (ES-Metal)

Problem: Client was experiencing a through wall defect in critical seawater cooling piping, and could not come alongside for repairs, as they were engaged in a towing operation, transporting an oilfield jacket on a barge to its location offshore Angola.

The vessel was engaged on a tow of an oil production platform, where time was a critical factor, and due the size and complexity of the towing assignment, it would have been very difficult to cease operations to install replacement piping.

Defective area. Through wall defect, and suspected surrounding thin wall piping.

Surface preparation to SSPC-SP11 by means of Bristle Blaster power tools.

Repair extended to reinforce the suspected thin wall condition of the pipe spool.

Application Situation
The onboard repair allowed the vessel to hold station offshore, and avoided the need to come alongside the quayside and shut down. This would have been a hugely costly exercise due to the huge size of the barge being towed, which contained a newly built oil production platform.
Application Method
Surfaces were prepared to bare steel with a profile using Bristle Blasters, achieving SSPC-SP11 cleanliness standard.
The through wall defect was stopped by the application of Belzona 9611.
Belzona 1212 was then applied onto Belzona 9341 Reinforcing Sheet, and applied to the surfaces of the pipe to reinforce and strengthen the suspected surrounding thin wall pipe. A second layer of Belzona 1212 was then applied for additional reinforcement.
Belzona Facts
The client was familiar and comfortable with Belzona products from past experience, and the Belzona offered an incredibly simple solution to a problem which could have had major cost implications if piping spool replacement was the only option.