KHIA ID: 5343
Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: MPT-Mechanical Power Transmission (MPT)
Substrate: Steel
Customer Location: MT, USA
Application Date: 1986

Belzona 1111 (Super Metal)

Problem: The shafts in this coke shaker really take a beating. It was believed that the keyway was machined oversize by mistake. The sheave was also loose on the shaft.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Showing the wear on one side of the keyway
  2. Key in place and Belzona 1111 on the shaft
  3. Completed application and equipment reassembled, ready to shake
Application Situation
Coke shaker keyway.
Application Method
Application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet MPT-4. The keyway was formed in place using a new key. Because the shaft was also slightly undersized, it was ground as well. Belzona 1111 was applied all the way around the shaft and the sheave was replaced, centering the key. 
Belzona Facts
Normally a shaft will only last a few months. This shaft was just installed a few days earlier. The shaft was 26' long, requiring complete disassembly to replace it. $20.00 and Belzona 1111 saved the shaft. It was also still running 6 months later, longer than any shaft had lasted in this rough service.