KHIA ID: 7667Industry: Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Application: RPA-Roof Problem Areas (RPA)
Substrate: Concrete floor and drywallCustomer Location: International Airport, Florida, USA
Application Date: Spring 2017Products:Belzona 3121 (MR7)
Problem: Storm water drain backing up into the air handler room adjacent to rental offices on the lower level of the main terminal of the airport. This storm/waste water had caused thousands of dollars in damages and they wanted something to prevent it from seeping into the adjacent offices.
1. Storm drain that would back up and flood.
2. Area previously effected by the flooded storm water.
3. First coat of 3121 (MR7) and reinforcement sheet applied and ready for the second coat.
4. Final coat of Belzona 3121 (MR7)