Industry: Mining & Quarrying (MINQ)
Application: FPA-Floor Problem Areas (FPA)
Substrate: Cast Iron
Customer Location: BC, Canada
Application Date: February 2004
Belzona 1311 (Ceramic R Metal)
Problem: The cast iron pump casing had fallen of a pallet breaking part of the flange.
Photograph Descriptions
- Diagram showing support cage fabricated for the damaged area
- Rebuilding in progress
- Rebuilt flange
Application Situation
Broken flange on pump
Application Method
Application carried out in accordance with a modified version of Belzona Know-How System Leaflet FPA-1
Belzona Facts
After tapping a number of holes along the broken flange edge, a reinforcement cage was bonded into place around the edge using a welding rod to provide some structural integrity to the area to be rebuilt. Once in place the various pieces were tack welded together.