KHIA ID: 6353Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: ConcreteCustomer Location: Eastover, SC, USA
Application Date: August 2016Products:1. Belzona 4154 (Bulkfill Resin)
2. Belzona 4141 (Magma-Build)
3. Belzona 4131 (Magma-Screed)
4. Belzona 5811 (Immersion Grade)
Problem: Repeated contact with caustic and hydrochloric acid over a period of years had caused serious damage to the concrete floor, tank and pump support bases.
1. Damaged concrete showing depth below grade.
2. Belzona 4154 being used to fill deeply eroded area.
3. Final grade with Belzona 4131 (Magma-Screed).
4. Final coat with Belzona 5811 and broadcast aggregate.