KHIA ID: 5182
Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: MPT-Mechanical Power Transmission (MPT)
Substrate: Steel
Customer Location: BC, Canada
Application Date: 2005

Belzona 1111 (Super Metal)

Problem: Replacement part not readily available and purchasing the entire assembly would have been very costly.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Preparation of the damaged areas in progress
  2. Splines reformed with Belzona 1111 
  3. Mounting flange in the process of being removed revealing rebuilt splines.
Application Situation
Replacement part was not readily available.
Application Method
Application carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet MPT-5
Belzona Facts
The use of Belzona allowed localized repairs to be executed with a minimal amount of downtime.