KHIA ID: 5233
Industry: Power (POWR)
Application: ()
Substrate: Cast Aluminum
Customer Location: New England, USA
Application Date: Summer 2010

Belzona 1111 (Super Metal)

Problem: The aluminum casting on a SF6 High Voltage Breaker cracked, causing coolant to leak out and create a dangerous operating situation. Dismounting and replacing the breaker was not an option as no spare breaker was available for months.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Overview of the converter station
  2. The leaking area
  3. Completed surface preparation
  4. Completed application
Application Situation
SF6 High Voltage Breaker.
Application Method
The surface preparation was carried out with a hand tool grinder and the application was done in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet TCC-1.
Belzona Facts
Outages are scheduled months in advance and require Grid operator approval. The station was in a scheduled outage when the leak was discovered. No replacement was immediately available so Belzona 1111 was used to get the plant back on-line on schedule, thus saving thousands of dollars.