KHIA ID: 5873
Industry: Pulp & Paper (PLPR)
Application: ()
Substrate: Mild steel and ceramic tiles
Customer Location: Forney, TX, USA
Application Date: May 2014

Belzona 1811 (Ceramic Carbide)

Problem: Extreme abrasion producing a hole through ceramic tile and steel, causing a possible shutdown.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Hole in tile and steel
  2. Hole repaired with Belzona 1811
  3. Repair to other areas of separator
  4. Overview of separator
Application Situation
40 year old separator at recycling paper mill.
Application Method
The application timeline was critical. The application area was prepared through aggregate blast. Belzona 1811 was applied with a backer plate over the hole. Belzona 1811 was applied over other worn areas. Vessel was forced cured for start up.
Belzona Facts
The hole in the separator was shooting out water, causing a safety issue in addition to money loss. Belzona was able to repair the hole in a single, 8 hour shutdown, with no lost time.