KHIA ID: 5244
Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Rubber
Customer Location: Ajax, ON, Canada
Application Date: June 2012

Belzona 2211 (MP Hi-Build Elastomer)

Belzona 2911 (Elastomer QD Conditioner)

Belzona 9111 (Cleaner Degreaser)

Problem: The conveyor belt had torn and was taken offline until it was repaired.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Conveyor belt
  2. Prior to application
  3. Completed application
Application Situation
Conveyor belt at a recycling center.
Application Method
The application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet SHM-1 for repairing ripped, torn and worn conveyor belts. The surface was prepared by removing any worn fabric or torn rubber and using a rotary wire brush to abrade the surface, producing a wooly surface. Belzona 9111 was used to clean the entire area. Belzona 2911 was applied to the prepared surface area and Belzona 2211 was brush applied to the surface area.
Belzona Facts
Belzona 2211 is a two-component elastomer polymer repair composite for repairing and rebuilding rubber components. This versatile high performance elastomer can be applied without the need for specialist tools and will bond strongly to a wide range of substrates.