KHIA ID: 1175
Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: RPA-Roof Problem Areas (RPA)
Substrate: Aluminum
Customer Location: Cement Company, Miami, Florida U.S.A.
Application Date: April 2008
Products: Belzona® 3111 (Flexible Membrane)

Problem: Roof was leaking through the seams and joints.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Uncoated seams
  2. Belzona® 3921 (GSC Conditioner) being applied
  3. Seams being coated with Belzona® 3111 and reinforced with Belzona® 9311
  4. Finished application.
Application Situation
Bolted metal roof
Application Method
Application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet RPA-1.
Belzona Facts
The customer was previously using a low cost silicone sealant with poor results allowing continued damage to expensive packing machinery and controls.