Belzona Internal Protective Lining of a Hot Water Tank

KHIA ID: 7782
Industry: Commercial Facilities (COMM)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Metal
Customer Location: Office Building, KS, USA
Application Date: October 2018

Belzona 1511 (Super HT-Metal)

Belzona 5892


Problem: A hot water tank in the basement of the State Building had sprung a small leak. The owners worried that this was only the first to come for the old tank and Belzona was called to repair the leaking area and to line the tank with a coating to prevent further decay of the metal thus preventing more leaks from occurring.
Photograph Descriptions

Tank conditions before the repair.
First coat being applied.
Finished Application. 
Finished Application.

Application Situation
Belzona was called in to blast and coat a hot water tank that had sprung a small leak and was showing signs of old age and potentially problematic wall integrity. 
Application Method
First the tank was sandblasted, vacuumed out, washed with acetone, and then any holes, thin spots, or areas with extreme metal loss were rebuilt with Belzona 1511. After the rebuild metal had hardened the interior of the tank was coated with Belzona 5892, and the next day a second coat of Belzona 5892 was applied to finish the application.
Belzona Facts
Fast curing time. Tank needed to be in service the next week. No odor or VOC. Lots of the other work was being done in the very same mechanical room and around the building. Other contractors and facility workers could not be displaced by this application due to fumes or odor. Belzona provided a turnkey solution to the building maintenance supervisor.