Belzona Protects against Erosive Milled Corn

KHIA ID: 7571
Industry: Food & Drink (FOOD)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Steel
Customer Location: Starch Factory, Slovakia
Application Date: 2014

Belzona 1812 (Ceramic Carbide FP)

Belzona 9811

Problem: The pipe was suffering from heavy abrasion from the milled corn. 
Photograph Descriptions

1. Ready for repair.

2. Belzona 1812 application.

3. Belzona 9811 application.

4. Ready for work.

Application Situation
Pneumatic pipe system for transporting milled corn.
Application Method
Application was carried out in accordance with Belzona System Leaflet SHM-7.
Belzona Facts
Welding new wear plates or replacing the pipe section would have kept the equipment offline for too long. The Belzona solution allowed the factory to be back online sooner and proved to be more cost-effective to maintain in the long run.