KHIA ID: 8131Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: GSS-Gaskets, Seals and Shims (GSS)
Substrate: Steel & Concrete.Customer Location: Chemical Company, Warrington
Application Date: October 2019Products:Belzona 2911 (QD Conditioner)
Belzona 2211 (MP Hi-Build Elastomer)
Belzona 3921 (GSC Conditioner)
Belzona 3931 (WG Conditioner)
Belzona 3131 (WG Membrane)
Problem: The problem was leakage of product under the base plate in trickles suggesting there is a pinhole in the steel annular plate. It was nearly impossible to remove the hardened product and consequently the location of the pinhole is impossible to locate.
1. Showing annular plate / concrete plinth leakage and corrosion
2. Shows solidified product in the base of the tank
3. Application of conditioners
4. Completed application