Belzona Quickly Coats and Protects Asphalt Shingle Color Process Cone/Silo

KHIA ID: 9204
Industry: Mining & Quarrying (MINQ)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Stainless-steel
Customer Location: Norwood, MA
Application Date: November 2023
Products: Belzona 1321 (Ceramic S-Metal), Belzona 1813, Belzona 1814, Belzona 9811

Problem: Old Silo had expired with countless holes. Addressed with makeshift patches, emitting product into the air. The customer was looking for a long term abrasion resistant solution.
Application Situation
Customer was looking for a long term solution for a brand new silo cone. The old cone had endured countless damages due to abrasion/erosion. Belzona was critical due to limited time frame during a plant shutdown.
Application Method
Blasting took one day, and coating/application of Belzona 1321 (Ceramic. S-Metal), bonding the Belzona 9811 Alumina Tiles, and grouting with 1814/1813 over the next two days resulting in a three day application process. The Cone is 255 sq ft. It was installed during a plant shutdown days later.
Belzona Facts
Fast cure times resulted in convenient application during a critical limited timeframe of a costly plant shut down.