KHIA ID: 7930Industry: Cement (CMNT)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Carbon manganese steel S355J2G3Customer Location: Romania
Application Date: August 2017Products:Belzona 1811 (Ceramic Carbide)
Problem: The rotary dryer (15 m long and 3.6 m diameter) is used for slag drying. The drying cylinder has an angle against the horizontal level and rotates while running. After putting the slag into one end of the rotary dryer, the slag is dispersed uniformly and forms a material curtain in the cylinder to contact the hot air (100ºC), which acts like a heat exchanger to achieve slag drying. In the area where the lifting flights are installed onto the interior of the dryer, the slag erodes the steel, eating away up to 15 mm of the metal from the original 20 mm thickness of the shell.
1. Entrance to the dryer
2. The view of the eroded area
3. The eroded areas rebuilt with Belzona 1811