Belzona Repairs To Protect Tank Supports

KHIA ID: 8129
Industry: Steel & Metal Processing (STEL)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Steel and Concrete
Customer Location: Steel Production Site, Lincolnshire, UK
Application Date: October 2019

Belzona 4911 (Magma TX Conditioner)

Belzona 4131 (Magma-Screed)

Belzona 3921 (GSC Conditioner)

Belzona 3131 (WG Membrane)

Problem: The tank and concrete saddles were showing some minor signs of corrosion at the joints. This was caused by standing water in these areas. The damage to the tank coating and concrete were only minimal, however if they were not repaired, the damage would have continued to deteriorate causing potential failure of the tank or the supports in the future.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Area of concern 
  2. Belzona concrete rebuild completed 
  3. Conditioner applied 
  4. Completed repair to tank supports
Application Situation
Diesel storage tank showing signs of corrosion.
Application Method
The failed concrete on the tank support was removed using hand tools. The repair area was then prepared to remove any remaining loose particles and dirt from the concrete areas. The concrete was then conditioned and rebuilt to match the surrounding concrete supports using Belzona 4131. Surface preparation of a 100mm band on the concrete and the tank was then undertaken, again using hand tools to remove any failing coating and rust. A two coat, reinforced system of Belzona 3131 was then used to create a seal between the tank and the concrete. A band of 200mm around the tank was applied to concrete interfaces.
Belzona Facts
The application was undertaken by Belzona, specialist applicators of Belzona materials in the UK over the course of three days. Prior to the Belzona repair, The client used a  tempory mastic repair to keep the tank in service. The client is very happy with the outcome and has already requested futher site surveys.