Belzona SuperWrap 2 repairs chemical scrubber

KHIA ID: 9321
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Scotland
Application Date: October 2018
Products: Belzona 1111 (Super Metal), Belzona 1981 (SuperWrap II)

Problem: Chemical attack had caused through wall defects within a chemical scrubber. H2S reacting with water to form sulphuric acid was the main cause.

Corroded areas

Through wall defects

Close up

Completed application

Application Situation
Hot works were not permitted in the area & replacement of the scrubber would have caused major disruption.
Application Method
The area was first prepared mechanically with an MBX Bristle Blaster. Belzona 1111 & small plates were then used to fair any corroded areas. Four wraps of Belzona SuperWrap II were then applied to reinforce the area.
Belzona Facts
This repair was found to be cost effective, less hazardous & much less disruptive than the alternatives - welding or replacement.

As of October 2023 other than discolouration from UV Chalking this repair is still in excellent condition