KHIA ID: 8332Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: VPF-Valves, Pipes and Fittings (VPF)
Substrate: SteelCustomer Location: Petrochemical company, Slovakia
Application Date: 2020Products:Belzona 1111 (Super metal)
Belzona 9381 (SuperWrap II reinforcement sheet)
Belzona 1982 (SuperWrap II)
Belzona 9382 (Release film)
Problem: Underground pipe had developed thin-wall defect.
1.Underground pipe had developed thin-wall defect 2.The surface was blasted to the 75 microns profile and cleanness Sa 2,5. 3. All system then was wrapped to Belzona 9382 4. Super Wrap II ready for use