Belzona saves a cement silo lid

KHIA ID: 7555
Industry: Cement (CMNT)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Steel chequer plate
Customer Location: Concrete products manufacturer, Bedfordshire, UK
Application Date: August 2017

Belzona 1111 (Supermetal)

Belzona 5811 (Immersion Grade) 

Problem: Any moisture ingress will ruin the stored materials. The customer had noticed problems and after inspecting found that the lid was severely corroded and was letting in rainwater. The silo is 11 metres high, to replace the lid would be logistically very difficult and incredibly expensive.
Photograph Descriptions

1. The silo lid at the start of the repairs

2. A closer look at the damage

3. The lid repaired with Belzona 1111 plate bonding techniques

4. The finished lid after application of Belzona 5811

Application Situation
The customer manufactures concrete beams, blocks and other structures at their large site in Bedfordshire. The cement silo is a vital part of their plant 
Application Method
Application was carried out in accordance with Belzona System Leaflets TCC-1 and TCC-5. Steel plates were   bonded to the lid using B1111 where required to repair the holed areas before applying two coats of Belzona 5811 to provide overall corrosion protection.
Belzona Facts
Having the silo lid refurbished rather than replaced saved the company in excess of £21000 for a new lid and the contractor fees. In addition, the Belzona solution allowed them to carry on production as the silo could still be used safely whilst work was being carried out saving a huge amount of money in lost time and revenue.