Cold repairs to remedy the damages caused by welding

KHIA ID: 9165
Industry: Steel & Metal Processing (STEL)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Germany
Application Date: October 2023
Products: Belzona 1391T, Belzona 1511 (Super HT-Metal)

Problem: A storage tank was being refurbished with new metal plates being welded onto the existing shell. A part of the project, the contractor was looking for a way to protect the newly welded sections, as well as reinforcing the riveted section which would have been affected by the heat during the welding process.

Small metal plate welded on the tank

General View of the tank

Localised repair

Section of the tank completed

Application Situation
Belzona 1511 was required to create a taper between the welded plates and the existing tank structure, before being overcoated using Belzona 1391T. the small circular plates were used by the contractor to plug holes where they poor a low cost mortar to fill the void.
Around the riveted sections, Belzona 1511 was used in conjunction with the reinforcing mesh Belzona 9341, before overcoating using Belzona 1391T.
Belzona 1511 and 1391T were chosen because of the hot fluid present in the tank.
Application Method
Grit blasting of the section in order to achieve the require profile and cleanliness, before applying the paste grade Belzona 1511. Whilst in the overcoating window, Belzona 1391T was applied in 2 coats of 450 microns.
Belzona Facts
Belzona products were used to remedy the potential damages caused by welding, especially around the riveted section. Weld beams also required further protection before going into service. The project was completed over a couple of days, allowing a fast return into service. The customer is now planning the shutdown of the next tank to carry out the same treatment.