Concrete Bund Restored

KHIA ID: 7588
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Concrete
Customer Location: Slovakia, chemical pharmaceutical company
Application Date: 2016
Products: Belzona 4301 (Magma CR1 Hi-Build), Belzona 4311 (Magma CR1)

Problem: The acid attack had severely damaged the concrete over time, this lead to the acid not being 

Damaged concrete basement

Surface preparation

It was necessary to prepare firm surface

After Belzona application

Application Situation
Concrete bund on a chemical site for catching 98% Sulphuric Acid spills
Application Method
Application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet TCC-15.
Belzona Facts
Originally was the concrete basement was unprotected. After this Belzona reconstruction was customer very satisfied with resistance of this material.