KHIA ID: 8633Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Carbon Steel and ConcreteCustomer Location: Petrochemical Plant, Teesside, UK
Application Date: 2020Products:Belzona® 1121 (Super XL-Metal)
Belzona® 6111 (Liquid Anode)
Belzona® 4131 (Magma Screed)
Belzona® 3921 (GSC Conditioner)
Belzona® 3131 (WG Membrane)
Problem: Over the years the lower sections of this tank had suffered extreme corrosion, resulting in several through wall defects. In addition, the bit-sand bed had failed, increasing the likely hood of under base corrosion. The client wanted the tank brought back into service, but internal access was not possible and so all repairs had to be done externally.
1. Original Damage
2. Plate Design
3. Plates Bonded with Belzona 1121
4. Finished Tank Base Seal application