KHIA ID: 1264
Industry: Food & Drink (FOOD)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Mild Steel
Customer Location: Virginia, USA
Application Date: March 2009

Belzona 2911 (Elastomer QD Conditioner)

Belzona 2121 (D & A Hi-Coat Elastomer)

Belzona 9331 (Reinforcing Sheet)

Problem: The evaporator barrel is corroding from the inside out and springing leaks, which causes a temporary shutdown to repair the leak. The customer wanted a solution that would allow them to keep operating should a leak occur until they could plan a shutdown for a more permanent repair or replacement.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Preparation of the barrel
  2. Application of the first coat and reinforcing sheet
  3. Completed application of second coat
  4. Completed application
Application Situation
Creating a secondary containment barrier around an evaporator in need of replacement. Tobacco processing company. 
Application Method
The application was crried out eih a modified version of Belzona Know-How System Leaflet. An orbital sander with a scotch brite pad was used to lightly abrade the surface, which was too thin to achieve an ideal preparation. The surface was cleaned with MEK. A heavy coat of Belzona 2121 was applied, the barrel was wrapped with Belzona 9331 and a second heavy coat of Belzona 2121 was applied.
Belzona Facts
Providing a secondary containment barrier for the evaporator allows the customer to keep operating should an untimely leak in the barrel occur, as well as plan for a permanent repair to the barrel or replace the evaporator. This saved them time and money from possible shutdowns.