KHIA ID: 9132
Industry: Food & Drink (FOOD)
Application: CEP-Centrifugal Pumps (CEP)
Substrate: Cast Iron
Customer Location: SANTA CRUZ, BOLIVIA
Application Date: September 2022
Products: Belzona 1311 (Ceramic R-Metal), Belzona 1391T

Problem: The impeller showed generalized wear, exhibiting the most damage on the vanes and on the trailing edges. This situation generated a loss of efficiency of the pump, the solution due to the damage of the part was to decide between rebuilding or replacing it.

Equipment to be repaired

Sandblasted Impeller.

Rebuilding Stage.

Completed Application.

Application Situation
It was an emergency repair that was carried out on Friday and we delivered the equipment on Sunday because the brewery had to start up on Monday, due to the age of the equipment they could not find a spare part.
Application Method
- Surface preparation with abrasive pressure blasting according to SSPC SP10, using sand as abrasive.
- Immersion of the Super Fox to completely remove the rust on the impeller surface.
- Rinsing with demineralized water.
- Degreasing of the surface with ethyl acetate.
- Measurement of environmental conditions prior to application.
- Measurement of reinforcement mesh to recover lost metal on blades.
- Recovery of lost metal with Belzona 1311 Ceramic R-Metal cold welding.
- Application of Belzona 1391T first layer coating
- Belzona 1391T second layer coating application
Belzona Facts
Thanks to the success of this repair, a week after the distributorship repaired another similar impeller.