Reducing Friction in Zamboni

KHIA ID: 9581
Industry: Local Authorities & Municipalities (LAMU)
Application: SHM-Solids Handling Machinery (SHM)
Substrate: Aluminum
Customer Location: New Brunswick
Application Date: August 2024
Products: Belzona 1341 (Supermetalglide)

Problem: High friction on the factory coating on the aluminum floor plate inside zamboni snow/ice storage. Makes it very difficult to empty without setting it to maintenance mode and climbing inside.

Preparing the painted aluminum surface by high grit sanding and removing all loose and overflowing sealant from edges. Taped up the wall a few inches to prevent snow sticking to them as well.

Completed surface with Belzona 1341.

Completed surface with Belzona 1341.

Application Situation
Small maintenance crews for these rural arenas means that any time-saving applications are very well received. This was a common request at the Zamboni distributor level, reducing friction on the floor plates.
Application Method
Air sanders, solvent cleanup, and brush application.
Belzona Facts
This was not necessarily a cost saving application, more of a high-demand quality of life/work improvement.