Repair of the damaged motorcycle fork cover KTM

KHIA ID: 5575
Industry: Transport (TRAN)
Application: ENC-Engines and Casings (ENC)
Substrate: GFRP
Customer Location: Oraving Slovnaft Team, Slovakia
Application Date: 2015 January
Products: Belzona 1221 (Super E-Metal)

Problem: It is one of the arduous rallies in the world. Riders need to repair their machines on the run or in the evening in hard field conditions. So it is perfect for them to carry some products, which they can use due to its fast curing characteristics and which are ideal for emergency repair situations. When was broken motorcycle fork cover KTM, they have used the Belzona products to repair it.

Slovak rider (supported by Belzona products) with escort repair truck - fifth overall bike on the Dakar rally 2015

Repairs in the field conditions

“Emergency” repair of the damaged motorcycle fork cover KTM hold for the all race (photo from after rally promotion show)

Motorcycle KTM - after rally promotion show

Application Situation
A Slovak motorcycle rider competed on the Dakar rally in South America (ex-Paris Dakar) since 2010.The event started in Argentina, then ran through Chile and Bolivia, before returning to Buenos Aires, for a total distances of 9.000 km (5.600 mi). The rally enjoyed a tremendous public with nearly four million spectators in all coming out to greet and watch the competitors along the side of the roads and track. The rider drives for the biggest Slovak petrochemical company.
Application Method
Application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet ENC-1 in field conditions. The cover was dismounted, ragged by steel brush, cleaned and recovered with Belzona 1221 together with Belzona 9341.
Belzona Facts
If this cover was not repaired, then very important basic motorcycle parts could be damaged. In these conditions carbon fiber reinforced polymer was not possible to weld. The new cover is very expensive. The Slovak rider also carried Belzona 9611 product (under the seat), but lucky for him, he did not use it.