KHIA ID: 5577
Industry: Oil & Gas (OILG)
Application: ()
Substrate: Carbon Steel coated with fiberglass
Customer Location: Refinery, Brazil
Application Date: 2012

Belzona 1511 (Super HT-Metal)

Belzona 1391 (Ceramic HT)

Problem: Leaking naphtha due to the presence of holes in the inferior generatrix.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. Naphtha leak at the lower generatrix
  2. Installation of the structural reinforcement of the cover with Belzona 1511 
  3. Structural reinforcement installed in the lower generatrix with Belzona 1391 
  4. Completed application
Application Situation
Naphtha Accumulator
Application Method
The surface preparation was carried out through abrasive blasting of the pre-fabricated parts and grinding of the fiberglass substrate and metal parts of the equipment. Then, Belzona 1511 was applied to the upper generatrix with a stainless steel reinforcement sheet for fastening the tie rods and sealing the plates of the lower generatrix. Belzona 1391 was injected in the lower generatrix for a better accommodation with regards to the peripheral imperfections of the fiberglass.
Belzona Facts
The naphtha accumulator has been previously repaired with fiberglass, a procedure that was not effective and displayed holes in the fiber. Belzona guaranteed to enclose the system with an operating temperature of 115°C and operating pressure of 400 gf/cm², exceeding several critical points, such as the location of the accumulator at the top of the tower at 86 m in height and hoisting 70 kg parts to the top. Inspection was carried out in February of 2015 and it was verified that the installed system is still working well.