Weatherproofing Roof Ridge Cap

KHIA ID: 9248
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: RPA-Roof Problem Areas (RPA)
Substrate: Aluminum
Customer Location: Decatur, Alabama
Application Date: October 2023
Products: Belzona 3121 (MR7), Belzona 9111 (Cleaner Degreaser)

Problem: In the pictures below you will see a fiberglass housing unit for power supply in a local chemical plant. These units each have an aluminum ridge cap on the roof that comes from the manufacturer siliconed to the fiberglass panel. During transportation they become loose due to the flexibility of the fiberglass and from just being in the weather constantly the silicone deteriorates causing a leaking hazard inside the unit. This can and has caused major power outages inside the plant.

Rectifier Housing

Aluminum ridge cap coated with Belzona 3121

Final application

Application Situation
This application stemmed from a previous weatherproofing application we performed on rubber zipper boots. This caused a major power outage to over half of the plants power supply causing a 4 hour shutdown and costing roughly over $3,000,000.00 in lost revenue.

Our application of Belzona 3121 and reinforcement cloth only took two hours to complete and caused the plant zero downtime.
Application Method
1st step: we removed any loose silicone then prepped the fiberglass and aluminum cap with a Metabo bristle blaster.
2nd step: we then cleaned the areas with Belzona degreaser and wiped clean. Taped off each side for a perfect straight line. Then applied our first coat of Belzona Belzona 3121.
3rd step: we wet out our Belzona reinforcement cloth using Belzona 3121 and applied it to the areas that we have prepped. Once all areas have the first coat and reinforcement cloth down and no wrinkles showing we move to the final step.
4th and final step: is to completely saturate the cloth with a second coat of Belzona 3121 making sure to coat thoroughly to properly cover the reinforcement cloth. Remove tape and Clean up!
Belzona Facts
Cost saving compared to a replacement roof cap was around $5000.00. The customer has used Belzona in many of the other areas in the plant and they believe in and trust Belzona.

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