KHIA ID: 1517
Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: TCC-Tanks and Chemical Containment Areas (TCC)
Substrate: Ebonite.
Customer Location: Chemical company, Martorell, Spain
Application Date: March 2010.

Belzona® 1111 (Super Metal)

Belzona® 5891 (HT Immersion Grade)

Problem: The ebonite lining showed severe degradation (cracks, grooves, gasket failure, adhesion problems) due to the corrosive action of the solution (brine 250 gr/Kg, active Cl2 0-20 ppm) at 65ºC.
Photograph Descriptions
  1. View of the filter from outside
  2. Degraded area, cracked ebonite
  3. Rebuilding with Belzona® 1111
  4. Ebonite coated with Belzona® 5891
Application Situation
Ebonite lining in sand filter
Application Method
The application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflet TCC-3 & 5.
Belzona Facts
Thanks to the Belzona products, the filter was back in service after a rapid, easy and in situ repair. The cost of replacing ebonite would have been much higher. Belzona enabled a quick in-situ repair to be carried out, ensuring filter could returned to service with minimum disruption to production. Alternative (replacing ebonite) would have taken far longer and at far higher cost