Aluminum Catwalk - Food Plant

KHIA ID: 9026
Industry: Food & Drink (FOOD)
Application: FPA-Floor Problem Areas (FPA)
Substrate: Aluminum
Customer Location: Richland, Washington, USA
Application Date: March 2022
Products: Belzona 1121 (Super XL-Metal), Belzona 1392 (Ceramic HT2), Belzona 5811 (Immersion Grade)

Problem: Customer needed to repair and prevent future degradation of a large elevated catwalk surrounding a potato fryer.

Grit blasted aluminum prior to cold bonding and coating.

Aluminum plates used to reinforce thin wall or thru-wall area on the walking surface.

First coat of Belzona 5811, this allowed a long overcoat window for the large-scale application.

Final Coat with Belzona 1392.

Application Situation
Customer was going to be forced to replace the entire catwalk structure or find a solution to repair and prevent future degradation. The Belzona cold bonding and coating saved an immense amount of time and money for the client.
Application Method
Aluminum was Grit blasted to a minimum 3 mil profile for cold bonding and coating system.
Belzona Facts
The Belzona cold bond and coating saved a massive amount of time and money for the client, compared to down time, labor, and materials for replacing the entire catwalk.