KHIA ID: 7487
Industry: Transport (TRAN)
Application: RPA-Roof Problem Areas (RPA)
Substrate: Stainless-steel
Customer Location: Railway Operator, Portugal
Application Date: April 2016
Products: Belzona 3111 (Flexible Membrane), Belzona 3921 (GSC Surface Conditioner)

Problem: Water leaks on the roofs due to presence of small cracks and holes made to install specific furniture.
Application Situation
Roof on railway carriage
Application Method
After conditioning the substrate with Belzona 3921 (GSC Conditioner), a fully reinforced Belzona 3111 system (including Belzona 9311 reinforcement sheet) was applied to the entirety of the carriage roof. The application was carried out in accordance with Belzona Know-How System Leaflets RPA-01 & RPA-08.
Belzona Facts
Previous original Belzona application in 2006 is still in perfect condition (10 years later) and as a result customer approved Belzona 3111 system for the protection of other railway carriages. Conventional alternative paints and systems did not offer the same performance as Belzona 3111 and is currently customer's choice to protect the roofs and avoid costly replacement.