Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: CEP-Centrifugal Pumps (CEP)
Substrate: Steel
Customer Location: Dredging Operator, Teesside, UK
Application Date: October 2019
Belzona 1311 (Ceramic R-Metal)
Belzona 1814
Problem: The dredger pump had suffered significant localised damage with several areas requiring repair. The damaged areas extended into nozzles, but the worst attack had been in the belly of the pump.
Photograph Descriptions
1. Hopper Dredger Vessel
2. Initial damage to pump
3. Worst effected area of pump
4. Finished application of Belzona 1814
Application Situation
Dredging pump onboard.
Application Method
The application was carried out in accordance with Belzona system leaflets CEP-3 and CEP-5. After treating surfaces with SaltAway to remove soluble salts, the areas were grit blasted and degreased. Belzona 1311 was used to fill localised pitting and to rebuild edges. Finally, the belly of the pump was protected with 3mm of Belzona 1814, which was feathered towards the edges.
Belzona Facts
Belzona 1814 was chosen as it offered excellent abrasion resistance at a more affordable cost. This new bulk filled abrasion resistant material offered significant savings over the more traditional materials, and costs were nearly halved.