KHIA ID: 9260
Industry: Marine (MRNE)
Application: SOS-Ships and Offshore Structures (SOS)
Substrate: Carbon steel
Customer Location: Norway
Application Date: October 2021
Products: Belzona 1321 (Ceramic S-Metal)

Problem: Existing internal glass flake lining of this seawater filter had failed completely. Large fragments of peeled coating was causing obstruction issues in pumps and cooling water systems.

Flaking and damaged lining

First layer of Belzona 1321 Ceramic S-Metal in progress

Second layer of Belzona 1321 Ceramic S-Metal in progress

Application Completed.

Application Situation
The mechanical and relining application was carried out during a scheduled 48 hours unloading port stay.
Application Method
The surface was manually prepared using a combination of UHP water 2500 bar and rotatory wire brush powered tool followed by 2 coats a 400 µm Belzona 1321 Ceramic S-metal
Belzona Facts
The customer was able to carry out this unplanned work during a planned port stay. Preventing schedule and contract outage this application situation was highly cost effective for the shipping company