Belzona 5721 Repairs Cooling Tower Fan Blades Leading Edge

KHIA ID: 9055
Industry: Power (POWR)
Application: FBC-Fans, Blowers and Compressors (FBC)
Substrate: Other
Customer Location: Wilsonville, AL
Application Date: April 2023
Products: Belzona 2911 (Elastomer QD Conditioner), Belzona 5721

Problem: The customer had some questionable fan blades that were in need of attention. The leading edge has some light pitting and deteriorated from erosion and wera. They were looking to protect the current ones in service rather than purchasing new ones.

Before - In Service Pitted Blades

Before - Close up of Current Condition pitting/wear on the leading edge

Completed View 1 4" Strip of Belzona 5721 Applied to Leading Edge

Completed View 2 - 4" Strip of Belzona 5721 Applied to Leading Edge

Application Situation
Cooling Tower Fan Blades are made of fiberglass. This specific tower included a total of 11 - 11 foot fan blades exposed directly in the elements + sun. They have been in service for 5+ years and can be very pricey to replace. This customer wanted to look at protecting the leading edge as they are primarily the areas we see wear and tear.
Application Method
After pressure washing, we addressed any small pits along the leading edge and sanded down the area to coat a 4" strip of Belzona 5721 (designed for wind turbine blades) that ran the edge of the 11' blade.

Coated leading edge 2” on both sides of blades.
· Use sander for profile.
· Apply Belzona 2911 QD conditioner let cure.
· Apply 1st coat Belzona 5721 UV stable coating white let cure.
· Apply 2nd coat Belzona 5721 UV stable coating grey let cure.
· Blades to be wrapped in bubble wrap to protect leading edge for transport to facility.
Belzona Facts
For a product cost of $2700, they were able to have exponential savings on new blades and have these ready to return to service for years to come.