Belzona Provides Nonskid Safety Stripping at Lube Oil Facility

KHIA ID: 9316
Industry: General Industry (GIND)
Application: FPA-Floor Problem Areas (FPA)
Substrate: Concrete
Customer Location: Louisiana
Application Date: March 2023
Products: Belzona 5231 (SG Laminate)

Problem: This high traffic area in this lube oil facility was in need of a nonskid safety grip system due to the potential slip and fall hazard the area presented.

Pre Job inspection

Application in progress

Belzona 5231 applied to half of the high traffic area

Application finalized

Application Situation
The Belzona solution was selected based to the fact that we were able to complete the application in less than 24 hrs. This allowed for access to area within 48 hrs. therefore reducing downtime and access to this area of facility.
Application Method
The concrete area was prepaired using blast track machine with vac system in order to properly prepare concrete substrate for acceptance of coating and minimize dust in area. The area was then taped off to owner specified pattern prior to coating. The first coat of Belzona 5231 was applied as per manufactures recommendation and additional aggregate was applied in first coat to achieve additional nonskid properties. An additional topcoat of Belzona 5231 was then applied to encapsulate nonskid aggregate and provide long term nonskid solution.
Belzona Facts
Belzona was chosen due to the proven long-term success of Belzona application throughout the facility.