Belzona Repairs Overhead Concrete above pedestrian walkway at local hospital

KHIA ID: 9088
Industry: Buildings & Structures (BSTR)
Application: FPA-Floor Problem Areas (FPA)
Substrate: Concrete
Customer Location: Greensboro, North Carolina
Application Date: May 2023
Products: Belzona 4141FR, Belzona 4911 (Magma TX Conditioner)

Problem: Pieces of Concrete were falling from bottom of sidewalk ramp 10 ft above pedestrian walkway
Application Situation
We got the job because of the material and time savings. Belzona 4141 applied upside down and fast cure time. This limited the down time in the area from the walkway having to be closed for a long time. They needed the job done quick , quiet and easy.
Application Method
We set up safe zone and barricaded to keep pedestrians from trafficking into the work area. Plastic was put down under repair areas. We chiseled out repair areas and removed rust from any exposed rebar. We applied Belzona 4911 Conditioner first then the Belzona 4141 Concrete repair material. It was quite difficult hanging the Belzona 4141 upside down but we persevered. Would probably use some plyboards next tiime.
Belzona Facts
Really not many other options to repair these due to location and the need to cure fast. We have many more such areas to repair.