KHIA ID: 9054Industry: Chemical & Petrochemical (PETR)
Application: VPF-Valves, Pipes and Fittings (VPF)
Substrate: Carbon steelCustomer Location: Rotterdam
Application Date: March 2023Products: Belzona 1983 (SuperWrap II)
Problem: At a factory in Rotterdam area, integrity of a pipline was critical due to decreasing of wall-thickness. The pipeline was important for the production process, so it could not be taken out of service. The wall thickness was so critical, that blasting or grinding activities would cause leakages and was not possible.
Surface preperation. A thin layer of Belzona 1983 onto the pipe.
After curing removing the Belzona 9382 tape to inspect the application
First 5 meters of Belzona SuperWrap completed. 35 meter to go.
Finished application halfway the pipe.